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Terms Of Use


Stipulated on 09/04/2017

I. Definitions:

The following words used in herby document mean the following:

1. Client – natural person, legal entity, or organizational unit which is not a legal entity, which special regulations grant a legal capacity, 

which makes an order within the store.

2. Civil code – act of law from 23 April 1964.

3. Terms of use – herby terms of providing services via internet within the internet store

4. The internet store – internet service available at by which the Client may specifically place an order.

5. Items – the products presented in the internet store.

6. Contract of sale – contract of Item sale in means of Civil Code, concluded between company PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski and Client, with use of

store’s internet service.

7. Costumer’s Rights Act – Act passed on 30 may 2014 regarding the customers right’s.

8. Electronic service act – Act passed on 18 July 2002 regarding the electronic service regulations.

9. Order – declaration of client’s will, which leads directly to concluding the Contract of sale, specifying particularly the type and 

quantity of the Items.


General terms:


2.1. Herby terms determine the rules of use of the internet store available at

2.2. Herby Terms of Use are the terms, which are specified in the art. 8 of Electronic Service Act.

2.3 The internet store, which operates at is running by Trade and Service company PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski register in CEIDG on 18 sierpnia 4/7 street in Katowice (kpostal code 40-850)

2.4. The herby Terms of Use specify in particular (depending on the available possibilities):

a) the rules of registration and usage of the account within the limits of internet store,

b) terms and conditions of making product’s reservations available within the limits of the internet store,

c) terms and conditions of placing an order via internet within the limits of the internet store,

d) conditions of concluding the contract of sale with usage of the services indicated within the limits of the internet store.


2.5 In order to use the internet store, the Client should obtain access to a computer or other device with internet access.

2.6 According to the provisions in force PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski stipulates a right to limit the service of internet store to a individuals, which are

above 18 years old. In this case the potential Clients will be informed about it.

2.7 The Clients are able to access the herby Terms of Use at any time using a link placed on the main website, as

well download it and print it out.

2.8. the information about the Items provided at the internet website of the Store, particularly its description, technical and usage

parameters and prices, are posing an invitation to conclude an contract, by means of art 71 of the Civil Code.


III. The rules of usage of the internet store


3.1. The condition to commence the usage of Internet Store is a registration within the store.

3.2. The registration occurs through filling and accepting the registration form, which is available at one of the store’s websites.

3.3. The condition of registration is to accept the content of Terms of Use and provide the personal data marked as obligatory.

3.4. F.H.U. MAT may deprive the Client the right to use of the Internet Store, limit the access to its part or entirely, with immediate

effect, in case of regulation breach by Client, especially when Client:

a) Had provided during registration in the internet store, false, inaccurate or invalid information, misleading or intrude the rights of third


b) Had committed via internet store a breach of personal rights of third persons, in particular other Clients.

c) Had committed other behaviors, which may be recognized by PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski as behaviors not in compliance with the binding law, the 

general rules of internet usage or which aim the good name of PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski

3.5 The person which right to use the internet store was denied, cannot register again without prior consent of PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski

3.6 In order to ensure the security information and data exchange in connection with the web’s services, the Internet Store engages

the organizational and technical steps suitable to security threats of the services, particularly measures which serve to prevent

obtaining and modifying by unauthorized persons personal data send in internet.

3.7 The Client is obligated in particular:

a) Not to deliver and not to pass content which is forbidden by law: for example content propagating violence, defaming or breaking

personal rights and other rights of third persons,

b) Use the Internet Store in a way not to disturb its functioning, in particular by using certain software or devices,

c) Not to engage actions like: sending and placing in the Internet Store not ordered commercial information (spam),

d) Use the internet store in non-troublesome way for other customers and for PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski

e) Use the content posted at the Internet Store only for its own personal purposes,

f) Use the internet store in compliance with the law in force on the Poland’s territory, resolutions of regulations, and general rules of

Internet usage.


IV. Procedure for concluding the sales agreement


4.1 In order to conclude a sales agreement thorough an internet store, it is necessary to get on the internet site, make

an choice of textile Items, make further technical steps based on the projected announcements and information available at the


4.2 The choice of the ordered Item by Client is made by adding them to the basket.

4.3 During placing an order – until the moment “order” button is pressed – the Client has a possibility to modify the inserted data and

as well in the scope of the Item choice. In order to do that it is necessary to be guided by the projected announcements and

information available at the website.

4.4 After the client who uses the Internet Store provides all nessesary data, a summary of placed order will be projected. The summary

of the placed order will contain the following information:

a) Object of the order,

b) Unit and total price of the ordered products and services, including the delivery costs and additional costs (if apply),

c) Chosen method of payment,

d) Chosen method of delivery,

e) The delivery time,

4.5 In order to send the Order it is necessary to accept the Terms of Use’s content, provide the personal data marked as obligatory

and press the “Place an order” button.

4.6 Placing the Order by the Client constitutes an statement of will for concluding an sales agreement with PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski, according to

the Terms of Use’s content.

4.7 After, placing an Order, the Client receives an e-mail with a topic Order nr (…) containing the final confirmation of all of the

significant elements of the Order.

4.8 The agreement is treated as concluded with the moment of receiving by the Client above mentioned e-mail.

4.9 The sales agreement is concluded in polish language, with the content as described in Terms of Use.


V. Delivery


5.1 The delivery of the Items takes place by delivering it to the Client’s address indicated during the order placement.

5.2 The delivery of the ordered Items is performed by Poczta Polska (Pocztex48) or the currier Inpost. The costs are the following:

14,00 PLN (Inpost) using the bank transfer, PayU or PayPal (a charge of 4,5 % of the order’s value applies) and 19 PLN (Inpost) by cash

on delivery service. Additional delivery costs will be indicated during placing an order.

5.3 The execution of the delivery lasts 1 to 2 working days, counting from the day of sending the Order by the Client. The execution of

the delivery may prolong when there are large quantity of packages to be sent.

5.4 Preservation, security, accessibility and the confirmation for the Client of the significant decisions regarding the resolutions of sales

agreement is conducted by sending an e-mail provided by the Client and by adding to the package containing the Items an

confirmation sheet, order specification and the VAT Invoice.


VI. Prices and the methods of payment:


6.1 The Prices are quoted in polish zloty and contain all the components, including the VAT tax (with the specification of rate), duties

and all other components.

6.2 The Client has a right to pay:

a) by bank transfer to the following bank account 55 1050 1461 1000 0097 1346 7968,

b) by cash on delivery service,

c) by using the PayPal payment system (a charge of 4,5 % of the order’s value applies)

d) by using the iMoje payment system,

6.3 When placing an order by the internet store the following delivery costs are added (delivery in Poland):

a) prepayment – 14 PLN

b) cash on delivery service – 19 PLN


VII. Entitlement to withdraw from the agreement.


7.1 You have a right to withdraw from the agreement within 14 days without giving an reason. The period to withdraw from the

agreement expires after 14 days, counting from the day you came into possession of the Items, or the third person other than a carrier

and indicated by You came into possession of the Items.

7.2 In order to use the right to withdraw from the agreement, You need to inform the company PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski (ul. Słowackiego 51, 40 –

093 Katowice, e-mail:, tel 512 552 467 of Your decision to withdraw from the agreement by a unambiguous

statement (a letter send by a post, fax or e-mail). You are able to use the form of withdrawing from the agreement, however it is not

obligatory. The form for download You are able to find here.

7.3 In order to maintain period of withdrawing from the agreement, it is enough, to send the information regarding the execution of

Your right to withdraw from the agreement, before the period of withdrawing from the agreement.

7.4 In case of withdrawing from the agreement we are returning You all the payments received from You, including the costs of

delivering the Goods (except for the additional costs resulted from the chosen by You the method of payment, other than ordinary

preferred by us way of delivery), immediately, and in any case no longer than 14 days from the day, which we have been informed

about Your decision of executing the right to withdraw from the agreement. The return of the payment will be carry out using the same

method of payment, which had been used in the original transaction, unless You have clearly agreed for different solution; in each

case You will not bear any costs regarding this return. We are able to withhold the return of the payment until the receiving the Items,

or until delivering the proof of sending back the Items. Depending on, which event occurs earlier.

7.5 Please send or pass us the Items promptly, however no longer than 14 days from the day, in which You have informed us about

the withdraw from the agreement. The Period is retained if the Items will be send before 14 days pass.

7.6 We would like to inform, that You will have to bear the direct costs of returning the Items.

7.7 You are responsible only for decrease of Item’s value resulting from using it in other way than it was necessary to state the

character, trait, and function of the Item.

7.8. The returns please send to the following address:


MATSHOP Katowice

Slowackiego 51

40 – 093 Katowice

With notation “Return”


8.1 PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski as the seller is responsible towards the Client who is a Customer by means of art. 22 [1] of Civic Code, arising from

the warranty in the scope specified in the Civil Code.

8.2. the Claims, which result out of the breach of the Client’s rights guaranteed by law, or based on herby Terms of Use, should be

sent to e-mail address: Matshop commits itself to consider each claim within 14 days, and if that would not be

possible, to inform within this period the Client, when the Claim will be considered.

8.3. PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski is not a producer of the Items. The producer bears the responsibility arising from the guarantee of the sold Items on

the conditions or by the period indicated on the warrantee card. If the warrantee document provides such possibility, the Client may

submit their claim with the guarantee directly to the authorised service, which address is written on the warrantee card.

IX. Claims regarding the service provided via electronical supply.

9.1 Matshop undertakes actions in order to secure the fully proper operations of the Store, within a range of the current technical

knowledge and commits itself to remove in a reasonable period of time all the incorrectness submitted by the Clients.

9.2 The Client is obligated to inform promptly the representative of PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski regarding all the incorrectness or breaks in the service of

Internet Store.

9.3 The incorrectness connected with the functioning of the Store, the Client may submit to the following address: ul. Słowackiego 51,

40 – 093 Katowice, by e-mail address: or by using the contract form.

9.4 the Client’s claim should include the first and last name, correspondence address, type and date of incorrectness’s occurrence,

connected with store’s functioning.

9.5 Matshop commits itself to consider every claim within 14 days, and if that would not be possible, to inform within this period the

Client, when the Claim will be considered.

X. Final provisions

10.1. The product’s pictures and the text content placed on the are protected by the intellectual property rights and it

is forbidden to copy and distribute them.

10.2 The eventual settlement of disputes which may arise between PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski and the Client, which is not a consumer by means of

art. 221 of the Civil Code, will be exposed to the proper court of PPHU OLMA Marcin Michalski headquarters.

10.3. in the cases not regulated by the herby Terms of Use a provisions of Civil Code apply, the provisions of Electronic service act

and other proper provisions of Polish Law.
